Make the small tunnel of boxes!

Make the small tunnel of boxes. Become on the distant end of the tunnel and call him that it crept to you. The perception of the child develops.
7 . Find a toy.
Take 3 transparent glasses and cover with one of them a toy. Look, whether the kid will be able to find it. Other option: in the face of the child hide a toy under one of 3 kerchiefs. If it is difficult for kid to find it, cover it not completely. When the child will surely find a toy under a glass glass, hide it under an opaque cup (in the face of it Игры для девочек!). Game promotes forming of ideas of independent existence of subjects.
8 . Day after day.
Accompany games the different regime moments. The best games for washing and clothing are based on imitation: "hands up, as the soldier, a foot up as a stork, stand as a lamp". In the mornings in a bed play a fox and a hare: the child, representing a hare, hides under a blanket, and you pretend to be a fox who wants to eat it. :) Game develops memory.
9 . Game with paper.
Place a leaf before the child, it will hide from it all room and if to remove a leaf, the kid again will see your person.
And some more useful occupations:
Let's touch to it various to the touch subjects: fabric, carpet, grass, board. Call them.
Put him in a sandbox, let him try it to the touch, fill up legs with sand and suggest to find them.
Let the child restack subjects from a box in a box, to put them in a packet, carries them in the machine (in a box).